Monday, March 15, 2010

Shutter Speed

What is Shutter Speed?

Shutter speed controls the amount of time your digital sensor or film is exposed to light. The shutter is a plastic peace inside your camera that opens and closes to let light onto the film or digital sensor.
General formulas:
Freeze fast action = 1/250 or higher. (1/500 is better)  For sports, or generally moving children or subjects.
People = at least 1/60. (If you don't want to see blur)
Getting motion blur = 1/15 or lower...(depending on how fast your subject is moving.) You will want to use a tripod to avoid camera shake.
Above (untouched): Shutter speed: 1/320 & f-stop: 5.6
Above: Shutter speed: 1/200 and f-stop: 4.0
These two photos above needed a fast shutter speed in order to freeze the action.
Above: Shutter speed: 1/15 & f-stop: f11
With the above photo, I used a tripod to steady my camera and was able to get the action of the groom dancing at his wedding by showing motion blur.  He was doing the "robot" and died laughing when he saw this.

Watch this video for a better understanding on shutter speed.

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