Monday, March 15, 2010

Assignment #4- Natural window light

Okay guys... Here's your chance to try out what we have been learning!  Even if you weren't able to attend photo group this month, you can still try this out.

Directions:  Practice with window lighting on someone and show us your best result.

Things to remember:
1.  You'll need a lot of light!  Try it on a brighter day, if possible.  This will help your exposure.  And open all your other curtains in the room to let in as much natural light as possible.
2.  Don't forget to reflect the light into the shadows!  Use a home-made reflector to bounce the light coming from the window onto your subject.  (Foil wrapped around cardboard...etc.) Place it directly opposite the window.
3.  Diffuse, if necessary.  If the light is directly on your subject as it comes through the window, like on a day with no clouds, then place a white sheet over the window to soften the harsh light.
4. Pin up a background!  You may use some of my fabric, until you get your own.  Just pin up a large enough piece to cover the ground and wall behind your subject.
5. Place your subject as close to the window as possible, without getting the window in your shot.  This will give you the softest light possible.  Also try to have them angled a little toward the light...basically, you just want to make sure the window light is illuminating the most important parts of the face (both eyes if possible).
6. Using a tripod will help you get the shot.  If you need to borrow my little cheap one, let me know.
7. Don't worry if it's not perfect!  Especially if it needs a little photoshop if part of your background gets messed up or something...don't worry!  I will try to also show you how to photoshop your pictures soon.  But, until then, just focus on getting the best you can.

Please post an example for us and label it with your name and "Assignment #4".

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